Thursday, September 9, 2010

This is the Day.

This is the day the LORD has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it. Ps. 118:24

God has given us SO many days to be grateful for. I keep thinking back on the past school year, the summer, and the start of this semester... I can't help but being blown away by how GREAT God has been to me and His children! I thank Him for showing me His love every day. It's more than anything I deserve.

Over the summer, I was able to go to Germany to visit my family and work and travel.
It was a really great break from school, and I learned so much about my family, friends, myself and God.
So many things happened, and I learned so much from every experience.

First of all, I've realized that I'm extremely bad at blogging. =P So this entry is going to be the most journalistic that I've had in a while. Just bear with me, since blogging isn't really my thing.

My brother graduated from high school... which means that he's now in college with Krystal and I. That made me feel old ;)

We were able to backpack in the Bavarian Alps... which made me realize how AWESOME and BIG God is, an it was profound realizing that the same God who made the mountains also made me.

I was able to work full time (and enjoy sunsets like this on my drive home)... it made me realize how much God has blessed my life with such amazing people (and scenery!).

We spent two weeks in Italy as a family... which made me realize that there are a lot of things about myself that God still has to work on, but I need to let Him.

As I left Europe for the last time, I became car-less & jobless... which means that I really had to learn to trust God to provide for daily needs in my life.
I also got to hang out with one of my very best friends for a few weeks over the summer break... which made my heart extremely happy. =)

Now, as the new semester begins, I've come to realize that every person in my life and every situation or challenge that I face is a blessing and opportunity for God's love to shine through me. And I think that's amazing, because I am so small and insignificant in God's presence.
Don't we serve an amazing God?